How much is rent for a 2 or 3 bedroom manufactured home?

Homes start around $765 per month and go up to $1,200 per month.

How much are lot fees?

Lot fees cost approximately $665 per month in addition to your monthly rent or home payment. Our advertised rent prices include the Lot Fee.

Is this community pet friendly? What kind of dogs are allowed? How many can you have?

Up to 2 pets per home are welcomed in our community. However there are breed restrictions. Contact us for more information on this.

What is the school district and what schools are nearby?

Lake Bluff Elementary School District 65 provides outstanding pre-kindergarten through eighth grade education for children living in the communities of Lake Bluff and Knollwood. Most students attend Lake Forest High School following completion of eighth grade.

What is cost of new manufactured home and how long does the process take?

Homes start at $50,000 and application time is 3-5 days. Contact us for home availability.

Are utilities included in the monthly rent?

Garbage and water are included. Other utilities must be paid by the resident and are based on usage.

What are office hours? Are you open on Saturday?

Our office is staffed remotely Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. Saturday and Sunday we are closed.

Is there an emergency after-hours phone number?

Our after hours / emergency contact number is 224-475-2928

Do the homes have washer/dryers in them?

No, but they do have washer/dryer hookups.

Can you rent manufactured homes or do you have to buy?

All options are available.